Monday, October 15, 2012

{This Kind Life}

College has made me realize a couple of things:

1. Sleep is a very treasured thing.
2. Coffee is so good for your soul.
3. Skipping meals to take naps is sometimes a good idea.
4. Wal-mart is from the Devil because all it does is eat your money.
5. Waiting until the last minute to do your laundry is probably a bad thing.

But, overall, I've held on to one truth: God will always be there.

I was on crutches for a couples of weeks {hallelujah I'm finally off them!}. I got kicked during a club activity by a kid, & well it bruised up my leg pretty bad. But anyway... I saw small acts of kindness from several people around this campus, whether or not I personally know them, everyone was very kind. So I wan to say a big THANK YOU to the the YC campus. But through all these acts of kindness, such as offering to carrying my stuff, or myself, or opening doors, carrying my crutches as I tried to gimp down the stairs to chapel, I was able to see God.. He was using the kids here to be a light for Him. I think everyone should experience the kindness I was shown for those few weeks every single day. I mean just jump on crutches & you'll see how suddenly kind people are towards you. I'm not saying that the people her at YC are awful, they are far from that! But I am saying, that when you are obviously struggling, then people are more willing to help you out. If only people could see when you are emotionally or spiritually struggling like they can when you are physically struggling with a gimp limp. It's easy for everyone to put on a happy face & go about their day as if nothing is wrong, but could go & lose it when alone.

I wish people would go out of their way everyday to be kind to everyone. Because who knows, maybe that person is just having a bad day, & you simply telling them "Good morning" or "Have a great day". Take time out of your day to just do that. It doesn't take much effort & it's not like you really have to try hard to open up your mouth and speak. Be the light that Jesus would show you.

Have a great day, everyone! God & I love you! :)

Peace & love.