Wednesday, November 27, 2013

{Pass the rolls please}

I came home from college for Thanksgiving break a couple of days ago, & all of a sudden, I've got like this bedtime or something. It's like my mom forgot how I'm 20 years-old, & in college, so my body is wired not to need sleep at a normal person's time, you know I find funny, because when all of my older cousins would come home from their college breaks, or whatever, they would talk about how they would stay up really late, wake up with barely enough time to brush their teeth before class, take long naps during the day, & then do it all over again the next day, which is just something I didn't understand at the time, but trust me, I GET IT NOW! But my mom, she sends my brother & sister Taylor to bed, {because who knows where Maddogg5 is since she's always running around with some school activity & is way too cool to hang out with her sister who came home to spend time with her, whatever, loser} & then my mom looks at me like going to be at 10 o'clock is something she expects me to do. As much as I'd like to be able to fall asleep at 10, we all know I'm just going to sit here until nearly 2am until my eyelids give out. My mom has this brilliant idea of me working on some of the homework I had brought home with me over break. Uhh, well, this is me doing my homework, Mom. I mean, paper topics will always be permanent, however, the thoughts that run through my head, are not always guaranteed that they'll be there in the morning when I finally decide to wake up from hibernation. 

So since this week is Thanksgiving week, I want to highlight on something that I am most thankful for. It's my food allergies & intolerances. Yeah, I know, that's something strange to be thankful for, but really I am thankful for them, even though most of the time it doesn't seem that way. The most commonly asked questions I get when someone is talking about food are: "Can you eat this?" "Will this make you sick?" "Is there gluten in *fill in the blank*" My all time favorite is when a guy asks me on a date & pulls out the "So this place is good for you to eat at, right?" {Future suitor tip: always call the restaurant ahead to see if gluten-free options are available, it shows that you really are putting an effort into the date.}

For those of you who don't know, in 2011, I had my gall bladder removed which caused a whole other realm of problems for me. I started seeing a specialist out of Omaha, did several, I mean several, medical tests, I can't tell you how many times I've had my blood drawn, & I've even had to eat radioactive eggs, but hey, that's pretty cool, I'm gong to asks the cooks at the restaurant where I work if they want to add those to the menu, I highly doubt they'll take me up on the suggestion, but hey, you never know! I have a gluten allergy {DQ2 Heterozygous} which leads me to live #myglutenfreelife. I am also lactose & red-meat intolerant. So with Thanksgiving coming up, it's kind of a depressing holiday for me. I can't take part & dominate in the roll eating contests with all my cousins, or chow down on some fatty turkey gravy.

But you know what? That's okay. Sure, I may be a little jealous of everyone eating real food, but remember my mom who makes brilliant suggestions, well she was kind enough to buy me some bread mix so I can make my own rolls, & my own gluten-free turkey gravy, so back off cousins, you can have the real crappy stuff. The healthy stuff is all mine! & just let me tell ya, pumpkin pie pudding tastes just as good, if not better than a pie with the crust.

That's what I'm thankful for. For having the option to be next to normal with other humans on holidays such as this. Yes, I know it's not the same, but I feel like God put this struggle in my life fr a reason. I may not see exactly why He did right now, but someday, I know I'll find the meaning behind this. Right now though, I'm going to choose to look at this as a positive thing. Since I have had a complete diet & lifestyle change, my health has significantly improved, that should be something to rejoice about. 

My Lord has been very giving & has always provided for me, He has blessed me with doctors, & medicines, & surgeries, so many things that people anywhere else in this world might be deprived from. But I want to thank Him for giving me the opportunity to reap the benefits of those commodities. He has given me my health back. Not to say that everyday is perfect, & there are still days when I feel like this isn't fair, but He's given me the change to live on my own & to just be a college kid, just one with a little less fast food in their life. It's just so crazy how one little thing has the power to completely turn your entire world upside down not necessarily as a bad thing, per say, but as a blessing, you just need to have the mindset that it will be okay. Even I have a hard time grasping that concept at times, just ask my mom, I can;t tell you how many times I called/still call her bawling about wanting to eat chicken fingers or something stupid like that.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Be sure to acknowledge the small things that you should be thankful for. 

Eat a roll or two for me this week! 

Peace & love.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I would like to wish my parents a happy 24th wedding anniversary today. I wish I could be at home to give them each a hug & kiss, but due to being a "big girl" a college, that won't be happening, unfortunately. Hopefully, Maddogg5, Tay, and Thad, can give enough to make up mine & Jordy's absence. Through all my life, m parents, have been my rock, stronghold, wisest advisers, biggest supporters, & gave me more than all I ever wanted or needed. Someone was there at everything we all did, from soccer games to choir performances. Never did I have to wonder about my parents making it on time, because they always were there, ready to applaud us whether we sucked or rocked!

My daddy works harder than any other man I have ever met. He has the work ethic to finish ever project.Growing up with seven people under one roof, my siblings & I never went to bed hungry or without anything we didn't need. My dad works so incredibly hard, harder than any of his other co-workers. Even when it was only Jordan & I around, my dad bought us the toys we didn't need, the dresses that my thought would look cute on us.  He is highly regarded in our home church congregation & has more knowledge than anyone I know on any subject. He can fix any tractor or car problem, helps people when they are in needed, always striving to serve others. I've never seen my dad take a sick day or not put someone else before himself. His selfless, kind heart is something I really admire. Though none of us have that bright red hair, {except for my dyed color} we all have traits that he carries, ones that he passed on or taught us, even if he didn't do it one purpose. Thad is like my dad in more ways than us girls, but he's lucky, because he has a great man to look up to. I've learned how a man should treat his wife & children based off of my dad's example, & I will settle for no less than that. I may not know who I will be marrying someday, but I know who will be walking me down the aisle, who who will make me cry the most that day. Thank you, Daddy, I love you.

My beautiful, lovely mom was a stay at home mom for most of my life. My mom gave up everything she ever knew & was familiar with to move up to Iowa & live on the Kinney family farm with my dad & learned the role as a farm wife.She made it to all the school concerts, elementary class parties & field trips. Never missed a first day of school picture. Even with five kids, she made time for all of us. Made us a birthday cake on every birthday, monkey bread on every Christmas. Everyday she pours her heart & soul into us. Taught us to be lovely girls, & raised a sweet, and gentle son. My mom most importantly taught us how to laugh. She's always been so forgiving, even when she doesn't always need to be. From my mom's example, my sisters & I have learned how to be hospitable & how to care for someone on a greater level. Not only did my mom take on the full-time mothering job, but once my brother started school, she went back to school herself to get a nursing degree, & because of that, she is able to help my sister & I pay for school so that we can a Christian education. My mom wipes butts on the regular to give us the extra edge on lie so that we can go on to bigger, better things.

From all of the boyfriends that we've brought home over the years, they've smiled, or laughed, or rolled their eyes, but in the end, taught us to choose wisely, because marriage is for life, & my parents have been a great example of what that commitment looks like. My mom wears the earrings my dad got her for a wedding gift, 24 years later.

For 21 years, my mom waited for new siding on our old farmhouse, & my dad finally gave her her wish. Just recently, my mom finally got her kitchen remodel that she's been waiting for.
In Miranda Lambert's song, House That Built Me, there's a line that goes:
"Mama cut out pictures of houses for years, from 'Better Home & Garden' magazine. Plans were drawn, concrete pour, & nail by nail,& board by board Daddy gave life to Mama's dream."
Which is more than true. My favorite dogs are buried in the yard, while my two newest puppies run around, fat & happy.

The best thing that my parents could've ever done was raise me in such a great church. They've instilled such a love for Jesus in mine & my sibling's hearts. My daddy got to baptize all five of us because we saw & now how important it is to love our heavenly Father just like would would love our own dad.

After having lived on my own for the past year and a half, there really is "no place like home." My home has defined me. After years of watching my dad work I have the farm girl mentality, & years of seeing my mother's southern hospitality up north, I've got the makings to be a southern belle. I've learned so many lessons & been shown so much grace throughout my life, but no matter what, at the end of that day, my parents were always there for me, ready to love, forgive, & teach.

Thirteen years ago, our family as made complete with little Thaddeaus added to the mix, now I couldn't ask to have been raised in a better home. So, Happy 24th Anniversary, Mom & Dad! I love you very much! Thank you for everything you do & continue to do to keep our family strong & focused!

Peace & love.
Boo boo.