Sunday, February 2, 2014


The last time I was pulled over by a cop was Wednesday. I had just worked an 8 hour waitress shift & was munching on french fries as I was driving from McCool to my dorm. I was pretty satisfied with the night having made over 90 dollars on a week night, so the fries were my way of celebrating. Anyway, I was driving through town, & I stopped at a red stoplight. A state patrol car pulls up next to me, I don't make anything of it. I wasn't doing anything wrong, other than me stuffing fries into my face in a very unladylike fashion. But all of my tail lights were working, my seat belt was on, my car registration was up to date, my cell phone was safely packed away in my purse. I had nothing to worry about. So the light turns green & I head down the block. But the state patrol car does not, I don't know why it's still sitting there, but then he takes off as well. Before I even reach the next stoplight a block down, blue & red lights are flashing in my rear view mirror. COME ON!Well, the officer comes up to my window & asks if I know why I being pulled over. "Uh no, officer." I reply. Then he chuckles. If a police officer pulls you over & then laughs at you, then you start to feel like an idiot. So then I said, "What did I do?" He chuckles a little more then points out the fact that apparently I blatantly ran a red light in front of him. Now I'm really embarrassed. He mentions my out of state license plates & drivers license, so I inform him that I'm a college student in town. Then he says, "Do you know Tim & Bev McNeese, or have them as teachers?" I reply, "I had Mr. McNeese last year, I really enjoyed his class, he is very smart & passionate about his job, but I'm not quite sure he liked having my sister & I in the same class since we talk, a lot." Then he laughs again. I know I'm not that funny tonight, so I just sit & wait for his response. "Good answer, those are my parents." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Now, I'm completely embarrassed about the fact that I can't tell the difference between red & green, & the fact that this officer is in close relations with people who have had me in class. We both laugh about it for a bit, & he gives me a warning, & tells me to have a good night. I was shown a little grace, however, I would like to say my humor helped me a little in this situation, because obviously, he could not stop chuckling.

Last Friday night, two days after the whole, "You should've just said you were testing to see if I was a real cop or not" ordeal, we put on the first Psallo concert (Psallo is an a Capella group that our school uses as a recruiting & admissions tool) of the school year for the Youth Rally at the East Hill Church of Christ here in York. We had quite the crowd of high school & middle school kids, & but the majority of the crowd were our fellow classmates. We're still building our set. Two of the songs were written by a former Psallo member, one sing is the "Cup" song from Pitch Perfect, we close our set with a girl's powerhouse number, Roar by Katy Perry, another song we found on the YouTube, & then we performed a song that I wrote specifically for the group. Our Dean of Students, who's son is also in Psallo, video taped the entire show, but for some reason only put up my "Amazing Love" on her page. 

The words go something like this:

Amazing love
Amazing grace
My Savior gave His life
He poured out His holy blood
The greatest sacrifice

And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me
And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me

His hands, his feet
They scared with nails
My Savior bore my sins
He cried out “Forgive them Lord”
Now I will forever live

And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me
And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me
And covers me and covers me
His grace falls down and covers me

In my life, I have seen a lot of grace, & I think that I fail to recognize everyday how incredibly blessed I am. in 2011, I attended a Leadership Camp that my church camp put on. We were taught a song, also called "Amazing Love." Ever since then, that has been my favorite devotional song to sing. The year prior to that, I attended that same Leadership Camp where I met a man named, David Bendickson. He was a true man of God, a very wise mentor & spiritual leader. At the beginning of January, while on choir tour, he had a stroke & a day or two later he passed away. I'm sure all of the angels were rejoicing as he finally got to go home. But part of me still wishes I could hear some more wise words from him. I was so incredibly blessed to have known such a great man. Every time I sing the song I learned back in 2011, I think of Mr. Dave. 

In a way, I relate the song I wrote to the song I learned. So when I finally got to perform it for an audience on Friday,the words that I wrote finally hit me. I want live my life like Mr. Dave did. I cannot wait to be greeted with a hug from him when my time comes. Until then, rest easy, Mr. Dave.

Leadership Camp 2010- Team Bendickson

Peace & love.

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