Monday, July 30, 2012

{The Perfect Friendship}

So let me tell you a story. It's about a group of girls who have this extremely tight bond. A bond so tight that they literally will do anything when they're together. I like to call this group the EVES {aka, my best friends}. That's right, you know, from the Bible. Actually, Bible camp is where the EVES all started, at No Rules Camp in 2011. The details to the beginning of this group will not be disclosed, I'll just let your imaginations run wild. Anyhow, the EVES are this select group of girls, who all happen to be my best friends. There's seven of us: Courtney King, Bailey Cate, Brooke Bailey, McKenzie King, Delaney Woods, & Cassidy Shields, & well of course, me. {In the Bible, seven is a perfect number, so that means we have the perfect friendship, just saying.} Always living with the motto, "Once an Eve, Always and Eve." You can't go back to a normal life after join this group. We do all sorts of crazy things together & have such a close friendship with each other. We even have T-shirts! Be jealous, because they're pretty tight. We're all kinda professionals at tye-dye, well everyone except Courtney.

2012 BeliEVE {minus Bailey Cate}

2011 Ultimate EVE {Original Eves}

These girls have been such a stronghold in my life for these past couple of years. I've known I've always had several girls to count on & trust with ever inch of my being. This year, we took on the title of the "Single Eves." But who needs boyfriends when you've got girlfriends? Seriously though, this summer was so much more fun without any boy drama to worry about. Stress free, LOVE THAT. These girls are my glue, they hold me together when I feel like falling apart. Seven is more than just a number, it defines our friendship entirely.

2012 NYC Banquet {minus Bailey Cate}

Going to college is going to be hard, especially with four of us going to three different colleges that are several hours apart. I mean Texas, Tennessee & Nebraska aren't very close to each other... & with three Eves still in high school, we're all faced with different stages of life & different challenges. God has a plan for each of us, that I am sure of, it just kinda sucks not having all of my best friends right at my disposal. These girls aren't perfect. But they're each flawed in a beautiful way. I love them all in their own individual way.

I just want to say to each of them: I love you. You mean the world to me. Don't be a stranger, come stay in my dorm, {Cass, Brooke, & Laners} I've got a couch! Don't forget the memories we've had & don't forget how wonderful each of you are. God made us all friends for a specific purpose. I miss you all so much! Let's utilize the power of Skype & pray this year. Have fun & be wild.

Peace & love.

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