Monday, July 29, 2013

{God Has a Plan}

So this summer, I decided to live in York & work. I have been blessed with three incredible roommates, my sister, Jordan, Alaia Navratil, & Alyssa Becker. We have had so much fun & made so many memories. It's been kinda fun to be a big girl & take care of myself, but it's also been very stressful. Luckily, I have such a strong set of friends to watch out & take care of me. I was lucky enough to have Garrett and Elijah stay in town too, so I basically spend every waking moment with them. I have the best friendship with them & I am so grateful for it!

This summer I have been stressed with money & just life in general. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm always sick & having several food allergies & restrictions is not easy to pay for when you're living off a waitress salary. & to top it off, I decided to take summer classes 1. because they're cheaper & 2. because I want to get ahead with school & knock out some generals.

There was one thing that was missing from my summer though. Nebraska Youth Camp. Since the time I was 7, I've spent every summer out at camp as a camper and staff member, & this year was to be the first year I wouldn't go out there at all. As camp neared closer, a tug was pulling on my heart. I was aching to be out there with my second family. I decided to visit my mom as she was staffing during the Junior Session, which is the older elementary school age. I stopped by one afternoon & it nearly broke my heart to drive through the gate & know that I only had a few hours there this summer.

Then on that next Sunday, a call from God it felt like, happened! My cousins direct the Senior Sessions & I listened to them say how there was a girl counselor drop out & there was only two weeks to find a replacement. I knew at that moment, that's what I needed to be doing. So I worked it out with my cousins for me to go out & counsel, even though I would have to drive back to York a couple of times to work. As the Intermediate (Middle School aged) Session continued & was about to enter week 2, I got a call from the director, Jay Roberts, asking me to come out that next day to counsel a cabin that was closed. There weren't enough staff to fill the counselor position & they called me saying there was a waiting list & a group of girls who wouldn't be able to come out because no one could counsel the cabin. Without even second guessing it, I said YES, & packed up my bags & headed out to Kearney THAT night. As soon as I arrived at the campground I was tackled with hugs and wrapped in love. Miss Sandra told me how glad she was that I was there & how God had a plan. She told me how I was an answered prayer & immediately, I knew that God did have a plan.

I was blessed with a great co-counselor, who was once one of my own campers several years ago. My cabin that week was silly & fun. I got to meet a whole new set of girls & was constantly thanked for saying a simple "yes." When the Thursday night banquet rolled around, Miss Cheri, the camp nurse got up to tell a story of how there was a need & God answered that need. She recognized me in front of everyone, I've never felt more humble & honored in my life. I cried. It's was an emotional week for me. Miss Cheri also told me how much she enjoyed seeing me interact with my younger siblings, because since I moved out last August, I haven't seen much of them, so getting to build up that sister and brother bond was so refreshing & made me realize how important my family is to me. I am one lucky chick.

As the Senior Session (high school age) came, I got back in the same cabin I was counseling for Intermediate; Orioles. Just so you know, I HATE that cabin, with a passion, & the counselor bed basically is the worst in the entire camp. (It's also the bed that I dropped on Courtney and McKenzie King's heads a few years back which sent them to the ER, so it's was pretty nostalgic for me to sleep there.) But the girls who signed up for my cabin blew me away. I got the oldest girls at camp, & I couldn't have asked for a better two weeks! Most of the girls were seniors & my best friends. Just a year ago, I was a camper with them, pulling pranks & causing havoc everywhere. But this year, I had authority. But it was so much fun! With these girls, they already knew each other & me, so it was easy for us to open up. & getting to be Covenant Group leaders with my best Friend, Nolan, literally put the topping on the cake! Love you Group Number Fun!

I also got the opportunity to study with a girl about baptism, & at the end of the second week of Senior, she made the decision to be baptized. I am so glad that she chose me to help her learn & grow. I never knew how much I had actually impacted her life over the years. I love you, Brianna Wells, I am so very proud of you!

I just want to thank ALL the Eves, new AND old: Bailey Cate, McKenzie King, Courtney King, Brooke Bailey, Delaney Woods, Cassidy Shields, Madison Kinney, Bre Goben, Brianna Pullen, Emily Lorie, Halie Ewing, Kaylee Willadsen, Emily Clark forEVEr was our theme this year, because no matter what, this friendship and our faith is a forever thing. I am so blessed with each of the friendships I have with them. They're always ready to have fun & make such an impact on the camp session each year. I can't imagine my life without them. I hope that those of you who didn't graduate will continue to be role models for those younger than you & continue on with the Eve tradition, because there's something about EVEing that builds a strong bond. I am so proud of each of you & love you all very much!

My summer wouldn't have been the same with out these past three week's experiences. If I hadn't of said "yes" then there wouldn't have been the chance for me to step back & let God work through me. I got to fix friendships, see old best friends, say final good-byes, & watch the Lord use His awesome power. God's plan is ultimately grater than mine, & these three weeks have really shown me that. I couldn't have asked for a better NYC experience. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me, showed me love, & accepted me for my faults. I hope that I had an impact on you all like you did for me. I wish all the graduates the best of luck wherever God takes you in your life. Always be Light & listen to His plan, because a simple "yes" can change your life.

Peace & love.

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