Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{The Measuring Tape}

Labels. We all have them. The idea however, is to look past them, to see through these descriptions. Our personality traits play a major hand in how we are defined. Little words & big words can all be very descriptive of someone.

If I were to look at myself in the mirror, I would like to think positive things of myself. Think that I was cute in some sort of way. Funny in another way. Confident in all ways. But then if I were to go back to the same mirror five minutes later, I would see the flaws that I missed at first. My elbows are too knobby. My Eyeliner isn't perfect. My teeth aren't white enough. I'm plagued by these things that I see. By the way I look at myself. Society has set this standard for me to be this version of "perfect" that not even models on magazine covers can achieve.

I once saw a post, on some website, probably Pintrest, that read "To achieve the natural beauty look, you only need these 27 products." Uhh, I thought you said natural beauty? I must have read that wrong then. Anyway, it was a gag post, just trying to point out the fact that in order to even be au naturale, you must be done up, & made up. What a fake way to be you.

We live in a dehumanizing world that tries to compare your teeth with your eyes, your nose with your ears, & your hands to you feet. Things that should never be compared because they are different things.

As someone who as always been skinny or slender, I feel a lot of pressure to remain that way. But there's a difference between being skinny & being healthy. & trust me, it has taken me years to figure that out.

As a college student, you gain weight, it's just a fact. I have a friend who gained the typical "Freshman 15" when we first started college. However, this past summer & year, she's worked her butt off to lose that weight, & then some, then as a result, has been able to maintain just one weight for this school year. She said that it didn't matter that they weren't losing the weight anymore, but just the fact that she was being healthy. & you know what, who cares if you're a little big bigger, or a little bit smaller, everyone has a different body type. There is no fair way to judge me & you, or him & her.

What I don't understand about people is the fact that everyone hates to feel judged by someone else, but then they turn around & do it to other people. Come on people, God made you all in a special sort of way. I don't get how society gets away with defending the child with a mental disability, or a person because of their race, but then goes & decides to rip apart the girl who is a little bit bigger than the rest, or the boy doesn't size up with all the other boys around his age. Who cares? Like who really cares about your height, about your weight, about the size of shoe you wear or the color of eyeliner you decided to try out. Who really cares? We all have emotions & feelings, we all understand the pressure that is put on us daily to be this unrealistic idea of "perfect."

I wish everyone could see that they are enough. The size of your jeans or the color of your eyes does not define your character or your value. It does not define whether you are joyful or friendly. In the long run, beauty fads, fashions change, & then we will all look back & laugh at ourselves for what we thought was "cool."

I hate how today's world has turned the term "beautiful" into an ugly thing. We despise those who are beautiful because they are not us. We want to be that beautiful, but can't because even that beautiful is fake. I would really like someone to tell me who decided what the definition of beautiful was. I honestly don't think it is: size 2, 110 lbs, 5'5", blonde hair, blue eyes. I think when God created the world, He created it all to be beautiful, but as we've developed eyes that see flaws, we can only begin to focus in on those flaws. I see beauty as confidence, & as joy, as love & peace.

If society would stop trying to put a measuring tape to our waist & stop trying to force a gap between our thighs, or shape the muscles on our arms & stomach into an unnatural shape, then maybe we could see the beauty God instilled in each of us; all of the unique qualities that are placed on our bodies. I'm so sick of being told that there is some standard that we need to live up to, when really the only standard we need to live up to is the one that Jesus set for us, for us to love, not hate, & love starts with ourselves.

Peace & love.

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