Monday, August 4, 2014

{The Secret To Life}

I know what a low is. I know what it feels like to make it to rock bottom, & I'm not just talking about the Spongebob version of rock bottom. I know the days when you have no motivation, no drive. Where you just feel like you're going through the motions of life, waking up, sitting around, going to sleep, then doing it again the next day. Trust me, I've done it, been through it. You aren't supposed to have a mid-life crisis at the age of 20, unless it's God's way of telling you that you'll only live until the age of 40. So yeah, I'm no expert. I'm no super woman character. I'm just a human, & that's just life.

If you don't have the downs, then how are you supposed to know that you need to appreciate the ups?

Let's face it, almost every one, every normal, ordinary human being, that is, has experienced some sort of life wrecking event. But guess what!? God willing, you wake up the next day, & the day after that.

Happiness is a choice. It is a state of mind. Be grateful for the life you live, for what you have. For the people you love, & for those who love you back.

You have to choose to be dissatisfied. 

Goodness, people! Love your life! No matter what, someone has it worse off than you. & if you think that you're the worse off in the world, think again.

One of the things I can't stand most about humanity is how we are never content, never fully pleased, that nothing can completely fulfill the happiness inside of us.

Whenever I struggle to find joy in my life, I take out a notepad, & write down everything I am grateful for. From toilet paper to early morning coffee to a class session being cancelled for the day. Then I sit & pray thanking God for everything on my list. Sure, it seems silly, but why not take time to really focus on what you have?

Obviously, as Americans, we are extremely blessed. Incredibly blessed. Like God really did bless America. But Americans are the most dissatisfied, the least content, greediest of people. Clean water? Yeah, that's free. Public schooling? Yeah, that is offered to every child. Advanced medical care? Yeah, if you need it, we've got it. Churches on street corners? Yeah, we don't have to hide our religion or our beliefs. Wake up people. Why do we need more? Why is it so easy for us to get so down on life?

I'm headed down to Lewisville, Arkansas this week. I'm about to visit my 96 year old great grandmother, for what may be the last time this side of heaven. This woman has lived the most joy-filled life. No, not everything was easy. She grew up with a hardworking father & a pistol Annie mother. They moved from place to place. Owned The Henbest Canning Company, she saw a $1,000 dollar bill, worked through the Great Depression, has laid to rest her first & only husband. Never have I met someone with so much genuine joy in their heart. She doesn't ask for much. Grandmother, just enjoys 
God's creations. Blue Jays are her favorite birds. Rocking on her front porch is one her favorite past times. Just thinking about her puts so much joy in my heart. I didn't think it was possible to admire someone as much as I do my sweet grandmother.

I'm going to ask her the secret to living a happy life, & if she tells me, I'll let you all know too.

Please, just wake up & smell the flowers, or the coffee, whichever you prefer, & find some sort of joy in your day. We owe it to each other, we owe it to ourselves, & we owe it to our Lord.

Peace & love.

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