Monday, February 18, 2013

{Let us Love.}

I will be the first to admit that I am the type of person who likes to hold grudges. I like to feel that if someone has wronged me for whatever reason, that O have the right and deserve to be mad or angry with them. That it is okay, because it was me who was hurt. But did Jesus die for me to be angry & to hate others? NO. He died for the exact opposite of that. We are called to love.

Taking the high road & being the bigger person isn't always the easiest, but when it comes down to it, that's exactly what Jesus did. There is no such thing as being too forgiving. When Jesus was about to be crucified, after He had been beaten, humiliated and spat upon, He asked God to forgive them for what those who were crucifying Him were doing. What I was doing. What YOU were doing. He was asking for forgiveness for us. ALL of us. His blood was poured out for MY sins. YOUR sins. Everyone reaps the benefit of His precious blood & sacrifice, even though there are many that don't even acknowledge that. But Jesus died so that we can be forgiven.

I'm an actress. I'm really good at acting like something is not bugging me or eating at me. To everyone I can play the part of being "OK" & that "nothing is wrong" but in all actuality, it's eating away at me. Fueling my hate fire. Burning me up. & while my hate and anger grow inside of me, the smile on my face becomes more & more fake with every passing minute to the point where I'm stuck holding in my tears & forcing out a laugh. Learning to forgive & forget like God does every day is one of the hardest lessons for me to take in. I find it very challenging to just move on, even after I said I forgave someone. It's a struggle for me to look at that person & not feel angry or hurt. But we are called to love. & if I am to love, then I need to move on, move past what is making me feel the hurt.

If we learn to forgive, I mean really forgive, then we will be able to do anything. Every day I think, "Thank you, God, for just giving me another second chance." We all need second chances because we're all human. There will all be times in our lives where we disappoint someone or hurt someone, even if we didn't mean to. But just like God, we need to show grace & mercy, because we are just as guilty as anyone else for sinning. "Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So let's forgive, & let's love.

Peace & love.

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