Wednesday, October 30, 2013

{Tell me your secrets}

So recently, I've turned into the "go to girl" when someone needs to find out some information concerning another person. How I got granted this position, I have no clue, but it's happened. & most of the time I tend to know the answer to their questions. I'm pretty caught up on what's going on around campus, which isn't very hard when there's only 500 students here at York, but I know a lot. I don't know how I came to know every detail about everyone &/or why people think that I'm the girl to know.

But really if you think about it, it all dwindles down to one little issue. Gossip. That's right, I am promoting gossip. Am I proud of it? No, not really. Maybe it's just me being nosy, or maybe it's the fact that I'm constantly attached to social media where I keep in constant contact with what's going on with my peers' lives, or letting them have a little insight to my life, I mean just check out my Twitter page, I LOVE TWEETING #twitterlife. 

Just recently some sort of drama went down on campus, something that reminded me more of middle school than being in college, but everyone fed into it. We all laughed at the expense of the people involved. We added in our own comments. & many people subtweeted about it. You see, we're all guilty. It's not that anyone intends on gossiping, but it does happen & it's something that needs to be addressed. Some people might say that their little conversation is a secret, but I say that's kinda cheating & tricking your mind into thinking that you're doing something that would be pleasing to God's ears, when all you're doing is trying to hurt some one.

Yes, there is a difference between gossip & a secret, but it's is also a fine line. When your words are more hurtful than helpful, then you might want to reevaluate what you're saying. This is something that I for sure need to work on. I don't even catch myself doing ti sometimes until I'm halfway through what I'm saying, & then I think that I can't stop halfway through so I finish. So then I fully know I'm doing something that is displeasing to God. Good one, Bailey. Way to suck. You're the worst. But really, that's how I feel when I catch myself gossiping. I know I'm not showing love with my words when I'm just trying to spread something around.

Let's look at a few verses that specifically address gossiping:

Proverbs 20:19 "A gossip betrays a confidence; but a trustworthy man keeps a secret."
Psalm 52:2 "Your tongue plots destruction, it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit."
Psalm 34:13 "Keep your tongue from evil & your lips away from speaking lies."

Think about it, how would you feel if you knew someone you trusted started spreading around what you told them in confidence? Would you trust them again? I'd probably get the urge to punch them in the face, but I'd to the Christian thing by just punching a pillow instead. It's frustrating. It's rude. It's disrespectful. It's mean & cruel. You feel betrayed, hurt. Nothing good comes from it, except maybe a few laughs at someone else's expense, but not the laughing "with you" type, but the laughing "at you" type of laughter, or maybe a few more rumors. 

So come on people, let's spread words of love, not words that can hurt someone. "My dear brothers & sisters, take not of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, & slow to become angry." James 1:19

Spread love.

Peace & love.

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